Thursday 12 September 2013

Lifestyle | Dear Younger Me..

Today's September Beauty Blog Challenge is a letter to your younger self, and I have plenty of things I wish an older me and told and taught me.
Picture taken aged 15, nearly 16!
Dear Younger Me,
There are so many things which I want to tell you or that at the time, an older me had told you because it would have saved you from going through so much.
Firstly, I want to tell you that nothing is ever the end of the world, the bullies, our dad, everything we went through together was never the end of the world. Right now, everything is perfect and we are so happy. Please remember lots of things..
1. Boys are not everything in the past five years the boys which you've been with are definitely not worth the tears, energy and effort which you put everything into to either not receive it back or to be utterly used. In the future you will meet a boy who makes you the happiest girl in the world, who shows you what it's really like to be loved and who you hope to share your life with one day.
2. Family is everything. No matter how annoying you may find them, our family is a close one and will always be there for one another and one day you'll need them and even though you think you don't they will be there despite all you put them through and they will forgive and love you unconditionally, they are the best family, make sure you always have time for them.
3. Don't you ever, ever let those bullies get to you. Don't give them the satisfaction of your tears or unhappiness. If only you could see how great your life now is and how there's is far from perfect. It's very cliche, but one is now just a Tesco Shelf Stacker. Always hold your head high and know that you are better than them, inside and out. You'll soon meet the best friend you've ever had and you won't even give them a second thought.
4. Don't worry about how 'fat' you are because you're not! Learn to accept and embrace the fact that we are curvy, we can still be slim, we just have perfect child bearing hips! And even if you're not stick thin, you can still wear the latest fashions. Just learn to wear what suits you, and what you feel confident in.
5. There are endless opportunities and we can do it! I know that we were dead set against education, hated it and couldn't wait to get out of it. We didn't believe we would ever do well or get anywhere, but you better believe we can do it because we did, and we're off to University in a few weeks! Always have hope and believe in yourself.
Your Older, A Little Bit Wiser, Me.

I could ramble on for ages about what I wish I could say to my younger self but we'd be here for ages, so that's just a little snippet and insight to what I wish I could have told myself!

What do you wish you could tell your younger self?!


  1. Love this. The bullies always end up having the worst lives, if only we knew at the time! I wrote a similar post a while back if you're interested...

    A Letter to my 16 Year old Self


  2. Beautiful words to a younger you. I like how we can learn so much about ourselves and get more comfortable in our own skin as we get older.

    (new follower! :D)

  3. This was awesome! I loved it, Hannah. And you seriously can pull off either brown or blonde hair and look so beautiful! I would tell my younger self to step away from the copper Revlon Coffee Bean lipstick, stop wasting my time with endless unrequited crushes on complete GOOMBAHS that clearly didn't like me back, and enjoy my amazingly thin body! At the time, I thought I was "fat". Now I look back at those shots and see a beautiful trim little bod that I would have to loose 40 pounds to have again!


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